Anyone who went back to work, how bad if any was your salary cut? Mine was originally 20% but negotiated it to 18 3/4%
I was never furloughed but everyone who wasn’t furloughed they cut 10% across the board.
The worst I’ve heard from friends is 50%
25% but then they raised it back when they got a loan. Apparently when you receive the government loan you have to retain people at their original salaries. Now they say the loan money has run out and they cut 25% again.
20% for all retained employees.
50!!! That’s insanity just lay ppl off at that point. You are not eligible for EU if your hours have not been cut. Which really sucks. I contacted a lawyer just to make sure because my company was cut by 25%. Our pay was restored after almost 3 months once we came back to work and they made layoffs.
Yep. People in sales roles. Friend of a friend. 50% pay cut for 3 weeks and others lost their jobs. They’ve done it so they don’t lose her as a “valuable employee” but now she’s her to move back with her parents to survive.
Everyone at the company had their income cut in half due to COVID 19 and state closures
20% pay cut for all non covid impacted employees. Store level and corporate level. No promise to if and when these salaries would be restored.
10%, which theoretically expired this week; director level and above had a higher cut and it extends to October. Anyone called back from furlough had to accept the cut as well.
At first sliding scale of reduced salary starting at 10% for lower salaries (anyone making 50k and less did not get a pay cut) and going up to 50% for the highest salaries.
Then came mass furloughs and layoffs.
Mine was originally cut 75% week 2 into the pandemic then eventually laid off
~15%, I guess that’s not bad compared to others’ experiences
Anyone have any success in getting their OG salary back?
We had a cut of 20% for about 2 months (with reduced hours to reflect - so 4 day work weeks). This is the first week we are back to full pay/hours. I think there is hope!
Our company was cut 20% - they told us in an email on a Sunday night… I’m in a senior role & found out at the same time as the employees I’m responsible for. When I replied to find out more information I was told they could fire me instead and to be grateful. Any further follow up to find out about restoration of salary has been met with they don’t know… we haven’t stopped working and are an international company. Ironically not all employees due to varying international government subsidies have had salaries cut But because we live in the US and our company here didn’t get a PPP loan we got cut. I tried getting us one here but our CEO didn’t care one way or the other really. We laid people off in lower sales assistant positions in April but never reduced the hours or work for myself and other staff who got cut… we also have had no chance to use vacation during this time either and won’t for any time in the near future. So we are down 20%, essentially out of vacation (which I haven’t even been able to take in two years!) and no one will give us an update… glad to hear others have had their salaries restored!
We took 20% cut initially and then 4 weeks later back to full salary, right before they laid a bunch off (at least severance was full pay?)
I am a technical designer and was not furloughed We worked from home until recently and personally I had no pay cut. We would get twice a year bonuses and that was cut for next year and reviews and raises for this year were “delayed” but really probably cut.
They tiered salary cuts based on how much you made at my company, 20% for top earners, 15% for mid, 10% for low (I cant remember the exact cut off numbers, I fell in the mid range as a Surface Designer.)
I have friends who went back within corporate retail (buying, planning, marketing) and they took no cuts and some were demoted to assistants! GTA but they also did layoffs and restructured the company so it’s a different case.
Across the board 20% for employees earning over 75K.