Did your furlough turn into a layoff?

Did your furlough turn into a layoff? If so, what companies? Any sort of severance package?

David’s Bridal is laying off most of the workers that were furloughed. The severance is a mere two weeks pay, regardless of time and title.

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I’m still considered a furlough and now my company wants us to reimburse them for insurance premiums as of August 1st. Not sure how anyone is going to be able to pay them with NO job…


I was furloughed for three months before being laid off from Mara Hoffman. No severance package.


I was part of my former employer’s furloughed group, that quickly turned into a layoff. Everyone in the first and second round of layoffs received two weeks on top of any PTO balance. There’s still currently a Skelton crew left, most of which are being let go this week. I’ve heard of some type of retention bonus, but that’s unconfirmed.


furloughed mid march. given 2 days notice. offered the option to pay for our health insurance premiums. the employees who stayed on had there salary cut 20%. End of June, terminated on 6/26, told i had to my premium to be insured til 6/30. Commuter benefits forfeited. The skeleton crew still on, have returned to full salary. the remaining staff, not yet terminated, furloughed til end of july. No severance. No PTO payout. Highlife LLC.


Went on furlough mid March after working corporate for almost 4 years. Laid off in May. Asked in June to start my own company and rep the line as an independent rep. No severance paid, but told to pay back transit check they were still paying into even though I hadn’t received a paycheck since march

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PVH had a massive layoff yesterday

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Furloughed back in April (actually as of 3/29). Laid off 7/1 after 15+ years, got a small severance PTO covered the medical benefits the company paid during furlough.

Still “furloughed” and for the “foreseeable future”. But they don’t pay any healthcare or any other anything, so I think they are just avoiding paying out any vacation or benefits. Hopefully if they call and need me they will be fucked when I don’t back, thats Highly unlikely but fun to imagine… LOL

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Me too, I was at OJG and from the rumor mill they laid off about 40 people. But since I’ve worked for the company there have been layoffs every year…

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This exact thing happened to me too! They never mentioned that it would have to be paid back unless we returned to the office… which I never did since I was laid off after the furlough. Took the money out of my “last paycheck” which was my leftover vaca days. Also severance was super stingy at 2 weeks pay.