Technical designer 3d

What are the salary ranges of entry, mid & senior of a 3d designer using CLO or browser?


I would love to know! It seems like currently “3D Tech” positions are kind of lower level, like they are hiring for the skill of knowing 3D programs but not the patternmaking or tech design experience. I don’t think I’ve seen any higher level 3D roles yet, and as a patternmaker working in big companies I’ve often asked to use 3D software and been told “no- it’s not for you, it’s a design tool” etc. (um… do they know what this software is??).

I’m baffled by how 3D is and is not being used and particularly not by experienced patternmakers. I hope things change in the future!


I am a Sr. Tech in 3D. My boss and I were previously patternmakers and technical designers for the company and moved to 3D to advance our company’s 3D efforts. We were chosen to move to 3D because of our skills in the 2 areas. We are currently hiring for an assistant because we have already gotten the company so far and now need help supporting our work. That is why we are looking for an assistant level. Also, it’s hard to find experienced 3D candidates so finding an entry level one is easier and can be trained.


that’s great to know! I’m an experienced TD & patternmaker but I’m actually taking a short-term, lower level 3D job soon just to get that experience under my belt. So odd how that works out. I’m so glad you found a company who gets that your skill set is perfect for 3D work!

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Lucy Ann- I had a similar experience at a large corporation- was using the 2D pattern software & when I asked to use the 3D, was told- “No-it’s not for you, it’s a design tool.” Really, who did they think would get the best results from using the 3D? Yes, it can be used a design tool- and I probably could have helped the design team with a lot of the patternmaking geometry- BUT it is extremely technical & if the pattern the 3D software generates can’t be made into a garment that is constructed properly and fits reasonably well, it is not really saving any time or effort for the amount of know-how you need to both use the 3D software AND get a viable sample at the end of the process. So- I started exploring 3D on my own. Still using 2-D too, though now at a different company that is more appreciative of actual patternmaking skills. I hope to soon be “bi-lingual” in pattern technology.