Quit without a plan?

Who out there has quit their job out of frustration (with or without a plan) and gone on to find something better?


I have, a couple of times in the past. It was easier when I was young and it was easy to find another assistant level job.

Most notably, I quit a Sr Level position I was at for 7 years, due to increased frustration with the company. I had a workload with multiple accounts, worked long days, travelled all the time, had very limited support and my requests for additional help went ignored. At some point, I realized that it was an unsustainable position and that I would burn out even more, or worse. I caught myself yelling at another employee- something I had never done, and swore I would never do. I had to leave, for my own sanity.

I didn’t have a plan- but I did have support- a husband who agreed with my decision, so I didn’t have to worry too much about money, or health insurance, or any of that. I quit- but did it like a grown up, giving plenty of notice, and staying to train a replacement of sorts. Still, I was out of work for 6+ months before finding something new.

Still, the grass is not always greener… sometimes you just need to see other grass. Every company has their problems, often just different ones, but learning something new also provides a valuable experience. In these times, there are still jobs- just note that since many more people are out of work, competition is fierce, and companies are taking advantage to pay less. Having a plan- or at least savings and a support system- are essential. Good luck!


I have. I agree with @twirlgirl the grass is not always greener. Sometimes you end up seeing lots of dead grass. No opportunities. So then you carry on, sip some coffee from Starbucks while you still can, and find a beautiful flowing river. Then you scrounge around the area to gather supplies to build a boat. Then you step onto the boat to test if it will float. Then you realize the boat needed something else, so you will slip and fall into the water and your clothes are all wet. This is where you’re really struggling to get a better opportunity.
Eventually, you figure out how to make the boat float. Then you sit on it. The next day, the water becomes choppy, waves begin to get bigger and then you are suddenly in a hurricane. All your food just flew up into the air and plopped into the water. You’re broke, hungry, and only have a boat to get you through the next day. The rest of the story is yours. Good luck!


I quit a job out of frustration. I had been contemplating leaving for months. But then I got locked into a room with one of the business owners who yelled at me and another fashion assistant for over an hour and refused to let us leave. So toxic. I gave my notice the very next day. I refuse to be used as a punching bag for someones out of control emotions.

I worked the last two weeks. It was painfully awkward, but I got through it and felt so much happier then I had in a long time. I was younger with only a few years experience and quickly found another job by the next month. The new job was a $20,000 increase in salary, better job title, and in a niche I wanted to explore. It worked at that place for two years, but eventually the commute drove me insane (it was an hour each way, so 2 hours per day driving in LA traffic) and I gave my notice. I worked for them on a freelance basis during COVID for a while too. I left on good terms. The grass was certainly greener on the other side in this situation. The new office had its own little problems of course, but working for logical, business minded people that could discuss a problem rationally was so much better than the crazy people I had worked for before.


I personally left Madewell/Jcrew due to a relocation without helping to upgrade pay and the politics with the new team. Didn’t want to leave but I had no choice. I was able to get two freelance opportunities but then the pandemic hit.


I have! And no, it wasn’t easy. But my mental health, and the way I viewed myself was very distorted. I don’t regret it, but I definitely wish I had addressed the issues prior to doing so. Because looking back the person who really drove me to quit did was not worth it, and Ive become so much stronger and outspoken since then. I do believe everything happens for a reason. I will say that we are in a pandemic and if your job is making you feel less than to the point that it is affecting your health, it simply may not be worth it. Its a blessing to just be alive right now so some job who doesnt give 2 s**** about you is not worth it! Of course take finances into consideration*


I worked for one place only for a month. The place was nuts! I tied to quit right away, but they begged me to stay. Then I just decided to leave without any notice. The environment was very unhealthy. Drama on steroids. I had financial and emotional support from my boyfriend that time. I got much better job in a couple of weeks after leaving and it was a great job! I never regretted that decision to quit without notice. It only reinforced my belief that you should never continue doing anything that effects your mental or physical health in a bad way. I made the right choice. But again it was before Covid and I had my BF as a financial support.


I’ve worked in a couple of truly toxic environments. I have never left without having another job to go to, however, it was exhausting going into these places when I was long overdue to leave and waiting for that next job offer. 2 weeks can seem like a year when you’re working for such dysfunctional companies. I’ve given notice and had the owner plead with me to stay on - much to my surprise. So they know that they foster a toxic environment, can’t retain talent, and don’t take the steps to improve the situation . Seems counter productive to me, but not everyone has management skills I guess. Sometimes, it’s one individual who creates havoc and they do end up getting fired but it’s tough to wait it out when you don’t know that’s on the horizon. It’s too bad, Because it definitely costs an employer when they lose talent but the textile industry doesn’t seem to change despite how difficult it’s getting to stay in business.


I did and have never regretted it because it allowed me the time to figure out the next thing for me.

My advice - get your ducks in a row. Channel your frustration into getting everything you need for your next thing while having this job - contacts/vendors/factories info, personal disability insurance (since you need a job to get it), savings cushion, resume building responsibilities, etc. If you can negotiate being “laid off” or prove to the Dept. of Labor that your job drastically changed (new responsibilities you didn’t agree to like taking on someone’s role or a significant pay cut), then you can qualify for unemployment insurance.

Although I had the support of my husband, I still made sure I did all the above. Your health is everything and you know you deserve better. Until quitting day, make the most of it. All the best to you…


I quit a full time salary job for a freelance job and it was definitely worth it. The full time job was at a dead end company so I needed to get out. The freelance job gave me a lot of freedom and eventually lead me to a full time job.
If you’re unhappy you should definitely get out and try to find a back up job to hold you over for a bit. It’s worth it! You will be much happier.


I have quit jobs twice without another job lined up. The first time, I was tired of climbing the ladder to nowhere, and wanted to see what else was out there. I ended up traveling around the world for two years, and making ends meet working as a consultant.

The second time, I quit without another job lined up after enduring an abusive work situation for over a year. I saved the entire year to give myself the necessary cushion to quit without another source of income (and then took a sabbatical for the mental reset that I desperately needed).

However you quit, be sure to do so in a manner leaves you on good terms with the company. I ended up getting my next position through the CEO of that company that I resigned from. If you have skills that allow you to do some freelance work, that can help you stay afloat while you consider your options/next step.

That (calculated) leap of faith is more often than not the catalyst to something amazing and new. Life, career and otherwise, is not a linear path. Just make sure you have your ducks in a row, like @styledlife said.


Having all your ducks in a row before making a move is a good point. I’ve been job searching for the past 11 months with no luck but I feel like my current job is draining and distracting me from putting my all into finding a better fit. Will definitely look into your advice about negotiating a “lay off”, thanks!

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My pleasure! There is definitely something better out there for you. Do keep in mind though that this is part of your journey and you are there for a reason. To make it bearable, think of the things you are grateful for and take advantage of what you can. Document your work for an online portfolio or social media account… do little things during your work day to benefit you like save info to your google drive. Literally giving you my detailed playbook here haha. Everything is temporary… :wink:

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I have before and never looked back. Sure I had some uncertain times, but took some time for soul searching, creating a plan, and working odd jobs. I ultimately got a new fulfilling career path of creative career coaching. If anyone is interested in making a successful career transition, I would love to help. Learn more about my story at nuphasecreative.com.