One Jeanswear Group

Any info on One Jeanswear Group? Especially for sales.

I worked at One Jeanswear Group for a year and a half but not in sales in product development. Speaking from product development side, My boss had belittled and disrespected me in things he would say to me and how he would treat me at times. It was my first real job in the industry so I felt I couldn’t complain to HR about it but kept approaching him directly but he would just go right back to it. Everyone in my team felt toxic and rude including our sales girl for our division. A ton of unprofessional behaviors. One guy in my team would always look back at a women’s behind too long whenever they walk by him. His desk was right at a walk way. To this day I wish I could have told HR at my exit interview all of this I encountered.


Sales girl???
This is not 1955. Please refer to them as salesperson

Sorry if my description of sales girl seemed to be offensive. Didn’t know I had to be accurately correct with the description of sales. :roll_eyes:

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I hope all people are considered professional adults. This industry is toxic enough. I know I would be pissed if my boss called me a salesgirl… if someone is referred to as a girl or boy it’s not a good connotation and implies a negative view of that person.
Sorry if this sounds harsh but in today’s world where the average women still make less than a man it’s important.

Has anyone mentioned the crying room AKA the women’s restroom?

That sounds awful. It seems like a high turnover place

@fashionincolor Your absolutely correct. The women’s rest room was the cry room and sometimes going out to the park somewhere to let off steam too :cry:

I really hated it there and it has really affected my mental health a lot and I felt like I had to stay for a paycheck and the experience because it was my first real job but I was suffering internally often. Thankfully, I know better now not to endure that anymore.

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I was hired temp to perm and I was excited. It was such a catty team and gossipy, with rude people. One girl was crying 3 days in because she was there til 11, and we ALL eventually had our late nights. I was spoken to so disrespectfully, repeatedly. I had to run to sample rooms regularly to get ready for meetings, lugging 50 pounds of fabric. No one seemed happy at all. After 3 weeks I called the recruiter and told them: It was a no for me. They agreed.

The person they hired to replace me, kept looking me up on LinkedIn. We connected. She left a year after starting.


@yneedsajob Every word your saying is spot on this is exactly how One Jeanswear Group treats people. They always force you to stay late and keep talking down to you and talk disrespectfully to you as if your a child. Thank god you did not stay there long your dignity and sanity is not worth that treatment for income. Was that the private label team by chance?

I’m glad you guys connected on LinkedIn. I’ve made some connections on LinkedIn through similar situations as that as well.