Syrian Companies - Who are they?

I’m actively looking for a new role and am employed at a Syrian owned company. I recently was told by a recruiter that Syrian companies won’t hire anyone currently employed at another Syrian company.

It’s hard to find this information online in order to stray away from wasting my time and applying to those companies. Can we come together and compile them?

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Be very careful when applying for jobs. For the most part even if a Syrian company does interview you there’s a good chance they will call your current employer if they are Syrian as well. Some will fire you just for interviewing

Noted, but wondering if we could compile a list of them so it’s easier to stay clear during the job search

Typically, these companies are in childrenswear. In the last few years, they have made a lot of inroads into athleisure.

It is my experience that the Syrian thing is less of a thing now; at least, compared to 10 years ago. Should you still be careful applying to confidential ads? Of course. However, we are on second and third generation ownership with these companies and a lot of the “old” rules aren’t followed as closely anymore.

isn’t that illegal? what the?

Still happening. A few weeks ago I set my friend up for an interview with a Syrian company and then was told that they couldn’t hire him because he is working for a Syrian. Not sure why they even bothered to speak with him and waste his time.

Why does StyleCareers take job listings from companies like this that are dealing in ILLEGAL practices?

These practices aren’t above board, so to speak and not every company participates in them. It would be impossible for us to police the entire childrenswear industry.