New law: Salaries required on job postings

Any update on this topic specially in the fashion industry where salary’s have been a plateau soft over a decade for those who work as pattern makers or tech designers possibly designers specially in smaller family owned businesses


Noticed that some NYC job listings still don’t have a salary range posted on Stylecareers. Disappointed.

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Not surprised. Salaries in the fashion industry are garbage pretty sad for an industry that promote high end luxury goods such as Ralph Lauren, Tory Burch and or brooks brothers

It’s not from a lack of trying. Ultimately, it is up to the employers. We can only nag them so much. :slight_smile:

Sorry I don’t buy that. It is illegal for them not to give a salary. You are allowing them to do something illegal on your site……You are aiding them. It’s as simple as if you don’t include a salary we won’t allow you to post on our site. As simple as your site to not allow a job posting if a cell for salary range isn’t included.


Xxxxxxxx Well said xxxxxxxx


I just checked stylecareers and jobs posted do not have salaries


Ha! on this posting they put a pay range of $60k-100k. Wow… a $40,000 range. I guess this is a way for them to “legally” have a salary in their post, albeit a phony one.
Not to mention I’ll bet they are looking for a “Senior” person but only want to pay the $60k. What a joke.

I hardly look their site anymore for jobs. It’s a pain go on set all the filters only to find listings with no salary or insane ranges. To specialize in such a creative field as Fashion and not have a more communal site is disappointing too. I think making all job board sites more like LinkedIn appeals to younger people while a pure job boards site appeals to older people. Because of the ability to express myself on LinkedIn I’ve had many people reach out to me with job offers. And actually accepted a part time freelance position. I also think the site looks a bit dated too. Looks the same as it did before I graduated college….


I noticed a position on SC the other week that had a salary range of $60k-$999k! I was initially interested in applying, as it would be a slight career pivot for me and I’d be willing to take a step down in salary, but I truly feel that this particular company is not acting in good faith by posting a BS salary range like that. I have half a mind to apply and tell them “Since this would be a slight career pivot for me, I wouldn’t expect more than a mid-range candidate would, so something in the $450k-$500k range should be acceptable for both of us!” Absolutely ridiculous, and a sure bet that I will never apply for this particular company now or in the future.


Maybe it was a typo? $99k? I thought the new law stated you had to give accurate salary ranges?? the new salary transparency law in Washington state does. I thought NYC did too?

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what’s up with companies like G-III, paying garbage salary? 75K? “designer brands” like DKNY should be embarrassed

Product Development Manager | DKNY Sportswear for a management role paying 75k a year?
The pay range for this position is: $75,000 per year (Annualized salary is based on a 40 hour work week) - $85,000 per year (Annualized salary is based on a 40 hour work week)
G-III’s owned brands include DKNY, Karl Lagerfeld Paris, Donna Karan, Vilebrequin, Sonia Rykiel, G.H. Bass, Bass Outdoor, Andrew Marc, Eliza J., GIII Sports


I hope it’s a typo, but I just saw they posted a second, separate listing with the same range.


Ohhh don’t fall for their shit! Applied to OJG and they told me the same for design about a month ago. “Oh well this is where the market is… maybe you could have gotten hired a year ago…oh you have so little experience for what you’re asking. I’ve got ppl with twice your experience not asking for that.”

OJG’s favorite past time is wasting applicants time with bullshit pointless phone interviews. There is no way on God’s green earth I’m accepting 75k for a design roll when I was able to get 70k for an associate roll. Also not doing it with record inflation. I told the woman well those applicants must be desperate and I’m not. In this Economy with inflation and even before 75k for design is not /was not good. Currently interviewing for a new design roll where I requested 90k and the recruiter didn’t flinch.

Stick to your guns unless you really need to jump ship.

Wow just saw you applied to PD now I’m even more upset because that’s awful for PD… I’m used to only design on here I started replying once I saw the salary and company. But my statement still stands. :joy: