Hybrid Apparel design and Tech design name?

Super random question for the hive mind: How would you title a job that is a hybrid between apparel design and technical design? I’m trying to update my resume to reflect a contract gig that turned out to be equal parts trend research, trims briefs, sketching, presentation and patternmaking, tech pack creation, prototype evaluation, comments and all while keeping the garments production-friendly? It was for a small company, so it was necessary to wear many hats. I don’t want to go with a traditional title as it doesn’t quite cover the breadth of the responsibilities. I know I can update the title as necessary to reflect future jobs I apply for, but wonder if there is a good catch-all title I can use. Any suggestions?

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Oooh, following. I’m someone who has done design, tech design and product development at small companies. I usually list both Tech Design/Design as my title… but I have found that most companies don’t know what to do with that. Like… they are hiring for a Tech Designer- they don’t give a crap that I have a wealth of design/pd experience as well. They want techpacks/fit comments/specs- ONLY. Sometimes when I apply to a role that is specific, I remove the “design” title portion… but call out the design -type duties in the below description. And if I get an interview, I always make a point to mention other things I have done.
Guess I’m looking for a small unicorn company where I’m able to bring all these skills to the table!


It sounds like it was more of a design role with patternmaking, rather than strict tech design. Designers often create their own tech packs and first proto specs as well as evaluate protos.TD involves measuring, fitting, commenting on fit issues and construction issues only, implementing grades. Therefore I would say Design and Product Development.

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I’ve held similar roles and sometimes describe them on my resume as “Development/Tech Design.” I explain that sometimes in smaller companies, I’m handed a sketch (or a garment to knock off) and can create, send, and track the full TP including grading and manage all the fits as well. Kind of an “all-in-one” role.

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