So this may sound like a dumb question, but in the past i have brought a black portfolio book with plastic sleeves filled with work and that seemed too old fashioned and boring to the interviewer . Then another time i brought an i pad and that didnt work well because of wifi etc. and its not easy to show sitting across from someone. I have my website- Do i rely on showing that on my phone? do i make a handout? Or go without any work and speak to my experience?
Thank you in advance for all ideas- i am on the older side of this industry and don’t want to show up looking out of touch and end the meeting before it begins. Best of Luck out there everyone!
Hello- good luck in your search!! I don’t think it’s a dumb question at all. I’m interested in feedback you may receive as well. Most recently, I used a combination of both printed sketches (vtgat had been cad’ed in the computer), prints of best sellers that I aggregated into several garments per page that told a story and then iPad too.
For the inevitable “project”, I presented that entirely on paper in a portfolio that I bought just for that purpose.
It worked out well in the end with that combo.
In my experience they are looking at your online portfolio, before they ever even invite you to an in person interview.
I do bring it with me all the time- but I put my work website/portfolio on my resume- requires password.
Mostly the hiring manager would have seen by the time for the interview, sometimes they haven’t (due to the busy schedule, or forgot?)
I stopped to bring the “black” binder since 2015. At the begining, some old school upper managemet asked me to bring the physical copy why the digital…? Even it was for a mass market job- I decided not to move forward-
but it’s also depending on which market you’re interviewing- higend brands prefer physical=more in your eyes type/creative process one.
TBH, I havent had any issue presenting all works over my ipad or laptop last 6-7years and landed a job or offer or next step. They would ask to DO project anyways
Me being an interviewer, I also dont remember seeing the black portfolio last time… maybe 2019 when I was hiring a freelancer?
Always bring your portfolio for the interview. To present Wifi issue, you can save all jpg images that wont require wifi ir tathering with your phone before shows.
Good luck-!
Bring the physical portfolio (and ipad or laptop if you’d like as well). So many designers/creatives/director like to physically pull pages out and take a look at your work. And in group interview, it’s great to be able to lay things out on a table.
Don’t rely on your phone. (If someone tried to show me stuff on their phone, it would be an immediate no for me-- and not just because it’s hard to see. Looking down at your phone instantly pulls you out of the interview space, and you’re lacking engagement with the interviewer).
If the black portfolio feels old fashioned, get a fun leather bound colored one- but you’ll be glad to have it as an option.
old school 8x11 physical, they or you can turn pages
I still do (also on the older side) but have a website as well that I’ve designed.
Really just assess each company you are going for but I use my phone as a hotspot if I am showing anything on a tablet and already have it loaded to keep from taking away time during the interview.
I also just love having physical work samples of my product designs because they give me extra confidence (like a security blanket haha.)
I bring my laptop and show a full portfolio on my laptop. I have been designing digitally for last 15+ years so it seems logical to me to show digital. However, I also bring a few samples (swatches usually) of products I have created to show finished product next to the designs. I also have a website that I open when discussed. Since I have a link on my resume to my website, interviewers have seen that in advance. So far, it’s worked well for me.