DESIGN DIRECTOR Salary and bonus

What are typical Design Director salaries and bonuses, thanks

150-200k bonus varies wildly,

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Here is LA the salaries vary wildly, depending on the size of the company and the amount of $ they bring in. Between $90k-200k


In my experience 150K is your average. Sometimes there is a bonus, but it could be anything from $500 to 10% of your base depending on the size of the company


I had interviewed for a Design Director position at Spanx. They were offering $140k, but would have also taken care of relocation from NYC to Atlanta.


Between cost of living and taxes, that’s a big raise even if it is the same money.


My Design Director salaries had been shrinking over the years? from 125K, to 100K and last job was 90K? Was laid off in March. Not wanting to work in design anymore, going to take a pay cut and switch to production at a small company. Never got a bonus.


While NYC Design Director salaries have varied from $140,000-$200,000 over the last several years, I am finding during recent interviews that salaries are now lower in the pandemic than pre-pandemic. Expect a 20-30% reduction in salary go forward. Sadly, I was laid off, but many of my colleagues still working have had to take pay cuts and forgo bonuses, but are grateful to be employed. What concerns me is how long this will last and if companies use the pandemic as an excuse for lower salaries even as we come out of the pandemic. The same is true for bonuses, many companies will not be giving bonuses for the forseeable future.


I agree usually in the $150k-250 range


$150-200k range Was normal pre covid.
We need to expect a drop in those numbers for sure, at least for next year or so.

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I wonder if this is common across all levels of experience. This has happened to me as well as a senior designer.

From the director friends, the range is usually 150-250K.


I mean, 250k and you are entering VP level salaries. I’ve never heard a salary that high for director level roles. Maybe I’m looking in the wrong places!


Some companies like mine have Sr Director roles that are a step between director and VP. That’s because the company is huge and needs to break up more of the departments. I’m assuming that is where the 250k range comes in.


I’ve seen 120-180k in LA

I still think 250k for Senior director is on the high side. Most companies haven’t been paying like that for a while. But, I do agree it depends on the size of the company for sure on whether you can get that number or not.

I agree Bluebella. $180- $200k+ goes into VP of design salaries from my experience.

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Same- If I survived the lay off, I would get 35% salary cut. I finally got a new job after 5mths- same title, experience even more managing requiring for new job but salary dropped 30+% no negotiation that was max even I tried hard


Wow! So say last year Salaries were 150-170K for Director positions, now with COVID, Max you are getting for same role (30% less) is approx $120? That’s insane. That used to be a designer/senior designer salary.
Crazy times we are living in… who knows if it will ever get back to how it was.


Wow you guys are getting paid a lot, as a nyc designer, what i heard from my friends is 100-150k as director, and sr. 85-115k. Isn’t this normal?