COVID Vaccine - Jab or Job?

“ It has caused heart problems, blood clots, reproductive problems, brain fog and memory loss amongst other things” COVID has caused more of these problems than the vaccine has. You came across something in your algorithm manipulated feed, something that jived with your implicit biases and served your confirmation bias and subsequently applied your emotional filters and called it proof.


If you say so. The difference some people have strong immune systems and even if they caught Covid can and have recovered from it versus being forced to be injected with something that may happen that they cannot recover from. Think about it.


“People have to get infected with Covid in order to spread it and can’t spread something they don’t have” kind of goes without saying don’t you think?

I don’t have a hard time understanding that “even if a vaccinated person gets COVID, they are less likely to get severe illness” but that does not take away the fact that there are people who were perfectly healthy before getting the vaccine who now have health problems or ended up in the hospital. Regardless of either outcome they should be able to make that choice for themself not be forced which risk they have to take or they get their livelihoods taken away.

Oh you spoke to your Dr.? You mean like the Lady in the Movie Erin Brokovich spoke to her Dr.?? If you are immunocompromised and you chose to get it, fine that is your choice but imagine if it reversed and your job would not let you work unless you did not take it? Would that be OK?

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Comparing it to drunk driving is not the same at all and even if you get the vax you can still spread it so to say that people who are not getting it aren’t protecting others is just not the truth. It’s just not. Covid may be deadly but that doesn’t mean the vaccine works for everyone nor does it save everyones life. I mean a pilot died mid-flight just the other day after getting both vaxes.

It does depends on the person and their own individual health condition therefore each should be up to each individual whether or not to make that choice. People are having adverse reactions which are not being talked about as much as it supposedly being safe an effective. It is entirely different MRNA vaccine than the ones we had growing up. There are even leaked videos of employees from these companies that don’t want to get it because they don’t trust it nor do they want their kids to get it.


If I say so? Did I hit a nerve that perhaps your logic is flawed? The difference is actually that those people with strong immune systems can pass it to others with strong immune systems who then pass it to people with weak immune systems and then those people die. Your selfishness is palpable. Think about it.


See there you go making insults which is just unnecessary. This platform is to discuss topics not make insults. You didn’t hit a nerve, I welcome other peoples input and perspective. This is the last I am going to speak on this here because If after everything that has happened with lawsuits involving companies like Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson and other large corporations in history and you still want to take your chances of trusting them and their death tolls because the Government or Large Corps would NEVER falsify that information. Believe whatever you want to believe. I just think the main thing is that in no way should this vaccine be forced or you lose your job.


It wasn’t an insult. It was a statement of fact. I hope you and your loved ones stay safe and don’t infect anyone who is unable to beat this virus.


The vaccine is safe. You’ve been sucked into Facebook tropes. 6.5 BILLION people have been vaccinated. The pilot story has been proven to be an outright lie. Gullible people like you are infecting Children who are dying. Polio, dyptheria, typhoid, tetanus, measles, hepatitis, are all the vaccines you had as a child. Why is this different? Because we didn’t have trolls spreading lies on the internet. If you insist on getting sucked into these lies, at least wear a mask so you don’t infect kids. And don’t go to the hospital when you get covid, the healthcare workers have the right to keep their kids safe also.


No one is talking about the adverse reactions because they’re NOT happening.


…but reactions ARE happening and they are scary. Start at the 8 minute mark…

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My husband has been teaching me how to Mountain Bike. We follow this Youtube channel for skills and tips. The guy in this video is super-healthy but got jacked-up by the Pfizer vax…

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This is YouTube. This is not fact. This is not news. How can you be this gullible ? These people make a living spreading hyperbolic lies to people like you! Go to Reuters, AP press, Bloomberg. This stuff is garbage , these people are spreading lies.


Someone saying your logic is flawed is not and insult or personal attack. There are several logical fallacies in your arguments, including trying to strawman the conversation into you defending yourself from a personal attack.

Its hard when your argument doesn’t hold up when challenged or fact checked, some people feel cornered and get defensive to protect their ego, but do not confuse that with a personal attack.


The point is… we’re talking about JOBS here. If a company you’re hired at requires you to be vaccinated, and you’re anti-vax, then it seems like you’re not a good fit there anyway.

Vaccines are for the health and safety of all- and a company has the right to promote a safe working environment. Don’t want to get the vaccine? Don’t take the job. I personally wouldn’t want to work at a place, in office, with unvaccinated people and without masks. And I hate working with a mask- but I have multiple fit models and vendors coming in and out, and we wear masks every. single. time. It’s your choice to do as you please, but if you’re working for a private company, you follow their rules.


Agreed! These people are not medical professionals. These are just wannabes who start spewing their warped points of view to the sheep who will follow. This is the dark side of social media, because people have lost all common sense and rather than discuss things with their own doctors, they instead refer to Dr. Facebook or Dr.Google. :woman_facepalming:

This is why there is so much misinformation. Yes, there have been a few, keyword is few, people who had adverse reactions to the vaccines. This can happen with ANY vaccine or medication. Does one not read all the information of their prescription bottles? There is always some risk, but it is minimal if we are talking about millions of people.

Bottom line: everyone needs to speak with their own medical professionals to get the best information possible.

And all these anti-vaxxers are the first ones to go running to the ER once they get sick. They need to contact these Youtubers instead of wasting the time of doctors and nurses, and taking up precious space that could be used for real sick people. Let the Youtubers cure them.


Well said. I don’t know anyone who has had an adverse reaction to the vaccine but I (sadly) know quite a few unvaccinated people who have died from Covid. I take advice from medical professionals ( not YouTube or tiktok), and I’m vaccinated and wear a mask when around others. Let’s get rid of Covid, seriously, it’s time. Get vaxxed, people. You hurt all of us if you don’t, as well as your own families.


Jobs and livelihoods should not be on the line because of an experimental shot mandated by government! All accountability has been removed from the pharma companies, government and businesses mandating. Safe and effective has yet to be proven. Waning immunity from the vaccine… Boosters? More adverse reactions in the last year than all other vaccines since 1990. Mandating for children who are more at risk from the vax side effects than actually catching COVID. AND we get no choice?? Denying Natural Immunity… Biden mocks freedom? Something is very wrong here. Do your own research and make a choice for you. Stop getting involved in what other people should be doing about their health.


What entity sponsored or endowed your research? Do you have findings and data that has been submitted for peer review in a reputable publication? Did it then pass the scrutiny of peers not only checking the findings but the methods used to collect and analyze that data?

Anything less is not scientific research.


Bravo! I could not agree more!!

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Let us be kind here. Obviously there are many conflicting opinions. This is a forum specifically about WORK. Sorry, yunique916, but in America a private company can mandate vaccines and masks. So can a public entity, such as NYC. Complaining about the rights of a private company in the USA will not solve your problem. The answer to your vaccine avoidance is: go live in another country where vaccines are not mandated or go work for a US company that does not require vaccines. You do have choices.