This one politician, Kevin Kiley, is fighting against it. I don’t know what district he covers, or even what party he’s in. I’m on his side. Sadly, a lot of Democratic politicians are in favor of AB5 too. What is America without the opportunity to start and grow your own damn business? How will the apparel industry survive without freelancers? We all know perfectly well how important freelancers are, and how broke companies would be if we all sat around staring at our phones half the year, on the payroll.
AB5 was the dumbest thing Newsom has ever done. I love most of what he’s done, too! I suspect the agencies had something to do with this, too. Even before AB5, I had some clients tell me they were concerned about hiring freelancers. Yet through an agency it’s no problem for them. Yet the agencies ROB US BLIND. Agencies are fine if you’re just starting out, but once your resume can speak for itself, you don’t need a hustler.
AB5 makes it illegal for us to work freelance. I say “us” but I left in January. But now I have to also make sure the state no longer sees me as a tax resident because they are vicious about that, whether you leave the country or just move to Arizona!
Here are some people’s stories about how AB5 has affected their businesses and their livelihoods. Of course COVID made it far worse. Without COVID, these people would’ve been forced to take FT jobs they hate, earning less money than they did as independent contractors. Now thanks to COVID, many of those jobs aren’t even available anymore.
And now UBER, with all their billions, has bought themselves a proposition. But selfish assholes that they are, it will only benefit THEIR business. That’s it. Prop 22 is solely for rideshare drivers, which makes me so angry! Yes, driving rideshare is a helluva lot better than having zero options. But hello? what about all the other industries ruined by AB5? The law needs to be OVERTURNED, not chipped away. Why should EACH AND EVERY profession get together, pay for lawyers, fight the law, and hope to win their little section? That’s bullshit.
I moved to Spain, where I plan to switch my visa to a freelancer’s visa. This will enable me to work freelance for whomever I damn well please. Not to be turned away because the company already has five other patternmakers working full time! But I still love California and hey, it’s my home state. It breaks my heart to see people’s lives destroyed like this.
Click on the main image on this website to read the PDF of our stories. Even though it’s Newsom who really needs to read them!