Syrian-owned companies have declared mandatory return to the office for the past 3 weeks. No one feels safe going back, parents don’t have child care because day cares and camps are closed but most are returning because they don’t want to lose their jobs. These companies are notoriously cheap and are not spending the $4k for professional disinfecting. Some are not providing masks to employees and some owners and upper management are not even wearing masks on the premises! They are making feeble and unsatisfactory attempts to distance workstations that were previously 2-3 feet apart. My employer opened last week and already had to close this week because someone with COVID was working in the office. Why are these owners so eager to put their employees’ health at risk?
Why isn’t this going public with complaints it’s a major issue across all levels. These companies are infringing on labor laws and healthcare during a world wide pandemic instead of fostering wellbeing, personal care And investing in wfh and supporting their employees. This is abuse. It’s very sad because what’s gonna be the next virus in the future. These companies need to get with the program And step up, they need to be brought out to the public light for being so careless. It’s just more of opening and closing Because people will get sick and spread it over and over