Salary negotiations

Agreed. Take your top and add maybe 3k-5k, give yourself a buffer. Make sure to highlight during the interview your worth. Also take advantage of Glassdoor, LinkedIn and your personal network of friends/ co workers. Research the hell out of your position and what other companies of their sz pay for the same position. Companies are certainly using Covid to lower wages. Don’t let them push you over or rake you over the coals. Get the pay your experience entitles you to… every damn dime.

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Sadly… there are way…too many people in the industry looking for job right now.
My company is totally taking advantage of it, don’t even need to reach to headhunters- get full of resumes through people they can literally cherry picking…
So unfair situation in the industry job seekers now

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Interesting that you mention "non Jewish " in your first example. I get the “white” and the “black”, but not the religion thing. Care to elaborate?

Garments center jobs are paying less and less, especially design jobs. I have a distinct specialization and a lot of high end contemporary experience, and saw (pre pandemic) paying what a personal with 3 years experience makes. The cost of living is only going up, yet the positions don’t pay what it would take to live in said city. Now they have the chance to pay even less.

She should have sued.

I’ve successfully negotiated a decrease in pay. Just stay humble, keep your boss happy, be at the company long enough, and your pay won’t increase a cent. Then, if you’d like to quit, just ask for a raise. Easy as pie.

I’ve also successfully negotiated a raise in pay, by flat out telling them I won’t work for an entry level salary. Told them everything they wanted to hear, and then hilariously they didn’t even use my knowledge in the first 3 months to kick up their sales. Ya know, if the boss wants to burn bridges all on their own, let them. It’s their company.

I was talking about the Black employee. Are you the person happened to? I understand re the jeopardizing my career thing, but that’s racial discrimination and , if it were me I would sue if possible. Companies think they can get away with stuff like this continually. It happens to all women all the time, but especially women of color, and must stop. The threat of “never working again” is used to keep systematic prejudice and bias in place, and keep the victims in their place.