Raise negotiation

I’m interested in others’ experiences in my current situation. I’ve been with my company for 3 years and finally worked up the courage to ask for a raise. I had a hearty list of my recent and long term successes and was asked about my ideas for future success.
The meeting went well and my supervisor reached out to the CEO/owner with my request. I’ve now basically been ghosted. I know that this is par for the course at my company, but I am not pleased about it.
Here are my questions. Has anyone dealt with something similar, and what did you do? Is anyone getting raises in sales or design right now? I’m consider looking for a new job, but I honestly like what I’m doing.


Sometimes bosses get busy. Maybe give it a little longer before you do anything drastic?

Good advice- I am sure that’s the case. I’ll update the thread if there’s any change in next two months.

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That has definitely happened to me in the past. I’d say while you wait for them to get back to you, I’d apply for other jobs and when you receive a concrete offer that is hopefully closer to the range you’d like to be in, you can present that to your current company.

It tells them that you are in demand and that they are probably not salary competitive. From my experience, companies are really quick to compensate when they find out there’s a chance you may leave. It’s not ideal but it’s been the fastest way for me to obtain a raise. Just be mentally prepared to leave if they don’t match your offer.


Thanks for your input KT- I appreciate it. I’m sure there’s something to the other suggestion that people “get busy”.
I know from colleagues that they do not take kindly to trying to leverage an offer against your current salary. If I find another position, I better be ready to accept it!! :slight_smile:


My company didn’t give out raises last year, but are this year.

One thing I’d suggest to you is that you shouldn’t need to work up the courage to ask for a raise. In order for your salary to remain competitive, it should be rising with the cost of living at the very least. Inflation in 2022 was 8%, 2023 was 3.5%, and 2024 is around 2.5%. if you haven’t received a raise in 3 years, your salary is actually worth less than when you started. You should be demanding an increase. You make the company money and I’m sure have become very skilled in your position over the last 3 years.

I know a few people here are telling you to take a gentle approach. I’m the opposite I suppose. I don’t like people wasting my time and paychecks. I would be asking every Monday AM for an update.

Meanwhile, update that resume and portfolio and start applying. Keep applying even if you get a raise. I’ve found the best way to increase your pay is to jump to a new company. I’ve worked at 4 companies in the last 10 years. I increased my salary by $25K when I moved from my previous job to my current position.


Thank for your input, Eileen. I appreciate it!

No movement yet - but I’ve been given the impression that it’s being discussed by the CEO and a person he’s hired as a consultant who’s looking at expenditures. They’ve hired quite a few new people in the past three months so I’m truly hoping that that does not impact what may possibly come my way. I asked for a formal meeting with my supervisor last week to finalize and she’s put me off twice because the CEO hasn’t finalized with her yet

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It’s so unprofessional for them to ghost you. I am in a point of my life where I’m unapologetic but I need a job haha. So yah look for another job it’s sucks that these people can’t be adults and have integrity to say something at least respect what you came to the table with. I’m sure you did research and taking the courage to speak up was not easy. It’s also sad that we still live in a world where there’s people that work with people that feel entitled and manage with hierarchical processes So not innovative.

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At this point about every other week I get the, “I know we need to finish our conversation “ but nothing happens. I’ll be sending out feelers over the Thanksgiving break about new opportunities. If something moves the needle where I am at, great! But I’ll try to be prepared either way.

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