Super in on a patternmaker zoom! Always great to talk shop.
I also use tuka on a cloud subscription basis. I pay $200 a month for pattern design + full mark and grade + import/export DXF, but I work with subcontractors that pay $100 for just pattern + grade but no mark or DXF use.
It’s a super easy great software for CAD. I havent used Gerber much but I find it’s much easier. Some argue that you can’t make as complex of styles but I disagree. It’s just about knowing as much functionality of the program as possible.
fab! I wonder what days/times would work for most people. I find I’m usually a bit calmer in schedule on Fridays (since it’s rare that anyone needs anything in a rush on a Friday). Would a Friday work for most of you out there?
I would be interested in a patternmaker directory, I also value being able to comment freely in this forum. A patternmaker zoom could be fab, but my days are a little crazy right now…
Haha I hear you. I’ve had so much work lately! It’s nice to have the jobs and hard to say no to things, but some balance would be good too!
We can just request from the GrandPubah a section for patternmakers and we can chat there when it’s convenient for us
I was thinking it’d be nice, if we did find time for zooms, to take turns talking about the area we specialize in or our career path so far. Maybe each meeting could feature one patternmaker as a host & storyteller?
@LucyAnn @Patterntech @Sparks @muumuu @CocoBean We now have a CATEGORY on The Schmatte specific to Patternmaking and Tech Design. Feel free to create topics and invite other PM and TDs!
I’d love to be in on a zoom or directory! Feel free to email me at I work mostly succesfully as a freelancer :).
Welcome! Yes, there’s a whole section of this forum dedicated to Patternmaking & Tech Design, hope to see you over there!