I was laid off due to Covid, and I have been trying to network through Linkedin (but who really answers their LinkedIn dm’s) and connections that I already knew, but with no industry networking events- what are some good ways to network and meet people that can help with the overwhelming job search?
I belong to a networking group https://www.appareldesignersnetwork.com/ that has been a good place to reach out to other professionals. Their FB group has been particularly active during this time since in-person events are suspended.
I do still use Linked In all the time, and have also tried to challenge myself to reach out to at least 3 professional contacts per week just to check in on how they’re doing and say hi. If it leads to a more productive convo, that’s great, but at least it rekindles the connection.
Lastly, I have organized a couple of zoom calls with friends in the industry - just friendly chats for 4 people or so. I usually ask one or two friends and see if they will ask another friend to join, so I get to meet someone new The only requirement is that they are in the industry.
I use linkedin as well but I never bother people I don’t know to connect or ask them about positions. Its literally annoying cause I had someone was looking for design positions which isn’t my field. Your best bet is to do Stylecareers.com, Ziprecruiter, Google Search (Yeah its a thing), Etc and check with people you know. Right now im part of a job hunt email group (Mostly tech design/design) and I have a cold call list so you can DM me your email if you would like both.
Hi ByDesign. These are some great suggestions. I am also finding that reaching out and connecting with people outside our industry has been interesting too. I have been listening and learning about how other industries have been affected and what futures look like for them. This might be one of those times where we really have to listen, find innovation and inspiration from everywhere.
Hi Needleninja, thanks so much for your advice. I might just take you up on that offer.
I am also in that group - Thea is wonderful and a big advocate of active networking. They also recently posted an interesting article from BOF about what jobs in fashion will be relevant go forward!!!
@Kitty43 could you share that article? Sometimes BOF skews too hard towards the European market, but I’m curious to see what they project.
Sure! They are mainly digital based options. I have been thinking about going more into graphic design but am thinking if I can build upon my existing computer skills then perhaps there is something to get into ASAP that would make sense.
Be careful with Business of Fashion. There are so many reports of them being more of a Sponsored Content site than real news that you never know if these are real fashion job recommendations or maybe the needs of one of their editorial clients.
@Kitty43 it’s behind a paywall, but thank you for the quick explanation!
@Kitty43 I think it is so smart that you are taking this time to upskill and branch out, I have been doing that too. Creativity can translate into any industry, so the more computer skills we can develop the better prepared we can be.
on BOF. i had a super shady feeling when i joined on a trial basis and it took FOUR emails until someone would reply about turning off the auto renew because there is absolutely no way to do it on site or in the app. SHADY!!!
@minotlight143 lol! After requesting a cancellation and then going through two rounds of ‘but WHY? Please stay!’ messages, had to send a really salty email to get them to finally cancel my subscription. I didn’t get a shady vibe at the time tho. Just found them to be incredibly inept.
lol. in this day and age having to search for, and / or not have direct links to customer service, when it comes to $$ feels super shady to me. When its not easy, theres a percentage of people that will give up. They count on those people to help fund their regurgitation of others’ material (which is what BOF basically is and why I didnt feel it was worth the subscription $$).
haha guess I’M still salty!!
Thanks for the info Kitty!
Would love if you could share the link to that article
Hi! Here’s the link but read the previous comments for some feedback on BOF!! I haven’t used or read much from them before
I would love to know any thoughts anyone has on where our Industry May be going !
Thanks Kitty!
I love BOF, they publish great content! But hadn’t seen this article, and definitely curious about the future of our industry! Thanks for sharing