I was recently talking with a fellow fashion industry co-worker about design office horror stories and they had the idea to start a hashtag to get some awareness on the issues.
Reading through the horror stories shared here on Schmatte, and finding too many of them relatable I agree that our industry has got to change! A hashtag won’t solve everything but it can’t hurt to start bringing awareness to our plight, especially during this odd year when things are at a low, and people have more time to focus on important issues than ever before.
It’s wonderful that consumers are becoming more conscious about which brands treat their factory workers right, but imagine if consumers held brands accountable for how they treated their employees in their design offices and showrooms as well?
If you feel comfortable, please share some of your fashion industry horror stories online with the tag #UglySideOfFashion . They set up a twitter account to retweet any stories shared on that platform but please share on what ever platforms you prefer.
(If you share on social, just be mindful about using your real name or mentioning the company’s name. Don’t say anything that would prevent you from getting hired in the future.)