Brand names trademark

Hi all, I need advice in regards to brand names and trademarks. I’m starting my own brand, I have a few names in mind and I’m doing some research on which ones I could (or could not) use.
I tried the USPTO database, but every word I enter returns thousands or results, and even if I could review each one of them it’s very confusing. Did anyone have experience here or best practices to share in regards to a brand name trademark? Thank you all

You may want to hire a lawyer since the names your looking at are generating lots of names. The key is to make sure a similar name is not active and not in the same categories as yours. A trademark lawyer runs around $2500.


Nowadays I’d first see if all of the social media platforms and url are available. Since you’ll need them anyways and that will give you an idea of what out there. Claim all of those before getting legal which starts costing.